Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Video Game Presentations

Last Thursday's class certainly was interesting. Germinal and Kaitrin did really well with their presentations. I think Germinal had a very interesting take on things. I can’t say that I’ve really had video games teach me that much, although maybe on some level I have and I haven’t realized it. I can see more eye to eye with Kaitrin’s presentation. I will admit, I definitely fit the generalization about women liking the more puzzle-type games. I’m online a lot playing all kinds of puzzle games. What can I say? My dad and I use to put jigsaw puzzles together on a card table in the living room (this drove my mom nuts by the way). I don’t mind the action-violence thing too much, although I will admit I can’t play Doom anymore ‘cause it freaks me out. I do like stuff like Unreal and Halo, even though I’ve really played them very little. I’m more of an “old-school” computer and Nintendo games fan myself. Especially computer games. Give me Lemmings and Crystal Caves any day (I know, go ahead and laugh all you hard-core gamers). I guess my take on this thing is that I prefer and wish there were more entertaining games that also made you use your mind to figure things out. I definitely think its worth it to get Christians involved in the gaming industry – there’s a way to make games that are entertaining, “intellectually stimulating” (I wish there was a less cheesy way to say that), and that have a message behind them- without beating the player over the head with a contruyed message that isn’t what you even intended in the first place – we just haven’t figured it out yet. Or have we? It kind of goes back to that thing about how even art that denies a God is actually confirming a God.


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