Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Out of the Fog

"Hedgehog in the Fog" was really cool. It was definitely about the awe of nature and of life. While walking through the fog, hedgehog discovers the wonder and beauty of nature. I loved how intricate the leaves and the owl and the white horse were portrayed. The way hedgehog became curious, got lost, resolved himself to die, and then reveled in the joys of simple life speaks a lot about how we live our lives. We become curious about things of this world, wondering maybe if we would choke on the fog if we were to enter it. Our curiosity beacons us to enter the fog, and so we do. While at first, it may be beautiful and mysterious, we soon become lost and the world becomes a dark and scary place. Just when we think all hope is lost, however, God comes along and carries us ashore, much like the mysterious creature in the water carrying hedgehog to the bank of the river. We realize how wonderful life is once we've come out of that dark, doomed place.


Blogger Sleeper said...

Isnt it wonderful to see sooo much in such a simple film!

Though Norstien probably would have chosen different words to talk about his film, I'm sure he would recognize all the things your talking about.

8:52 PM  

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