Wednesday, September 28, 2005

little dog turpie

I loved this film. I was a bit disturbed until the guy put the dog back together though. It seemed a little "scary," or at least it might from a child's point of view, but how can there be good if there is no darkness or evil? I thought it was interesting how the film portrayed punishment for doing something "foolish." The dog kept barking for no apparent reason, so it was cut up and hung on the railing. Then the man got his reward for being foolish when his wife was kidnapped. Recognizing his fault, he put Turpie back together and sent it to devour the kidnappers and free his wife. Then, as sort of a twist of fate, the husband was cut into pieces and hung on the railing, by his wife. The man, in the beginning, had been too caught up in his own world and cares to even try to see what Turpie was barking about, and it cost him. We're like that too sometimes. Too busy focused on the now, whether it be good or bad, to see warnings or signs of what is to come, or to turn our gaze heavenward. Or to gain wisdom from others. Luckily, the husband could put Turpie back together thereby reversing his mistake; we have grace. God's grace and mercy redeems us from our mistakes, but sometimes we must still deal with earthly consequences - just like the man in pieces on the fence.


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