Saturday, September 17, 2005

The Brothers Grimm

Okay, so I'm a big fairy tale fan and I decided to go see the movie The Brothers Grimm. Oh my word! It is such an awesome movie! But anyway, I realized that I cannot just watch movies anymore (thank you Prof. Leeper!) At first, I kind of tried to notice things about the space, since that's what we talked about last, but something kept jumping out at me - red. Yeah, if you want to see a movie that REALLY uses the assigning color thing we were talking about, go see this film. It starts out as tiny pieces of red - on red riding hood's coat, on Gretel's blanket, on an apple, on the image of the mirror queen. When you reach the climax of the movie, though, there is a TOTAL ONSLAUGHT of red. There are even a few minutes where the only color you see is red. I can't quite get my head around what red was assigned to though. I kept getting a kind of "enchantment" vibe but I'm not sure - anyone got any guesses?

The filmmakers also played with other colors. Most of scenes in the town and in Jacob's world - a world where the fairy tales are really true - most of the colors are muted. It goes back and forth from golds and browns to grays and whites. Sometimes you are even smacked with a brilliant white background at the start of a scene. Memories, however, and the "real world" have more color to them, namely green. And the very end of the movie returns to color with lots of green grass too. Curiously, the soldiers and general also have some color assigned to them, though they appear in the scenes with the muted colors. Anyway, I posted a couple of pictures, one of the mirror queen, and a generic shot of the town. You can really tell the color difference (and notice the red on the queen). This film also has really fabulous visual effects. Gotta love the creepy crawly bugs, the moving trees, and the climax. (I won't tell you why the graphics in the climax are really, really cool - I don't want to spoil it for anyone) Anyway, if you get a chance, go see The Brothers Grimm. Oh, by the way, there's a really awesome story line too - hee hee! Check out the link if you want to see more photos or see more about the film.


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