Friday, September 09, 2005

Baby Got Tastes?

Let's talk about "Baby Got Book." At first, I gotta admit I thought it was funny, I guess in that twisted way that sometimes something that's making fun of you is funny. The more we talked in class though, the more I didn't like it. It's true, I would NEVER show this to a nonbeliever. I think part of what drives people away from any religious belief is when you dumb it down and make fun of it. I mean, couldn't that person argue that if that's all that religion was, then what's the point? It's also really dumb that it seems to say that the real point of Bible study is to "hook up."

The film "Gay Boyfriend", although slighlty odd, was actually pretty good. It has a catchy tune (I can't get it out of my head on occasion), and it looks like they had way too much fun making it. It does make a pretty good point about how strait guys have a bad habit of letting their eyes wander. I don't agree with homosexuality, but I think its a pretty good little film. The only thing that bugs me about it is that one of the girls sings off pitch the entire movie!


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