Friday, September 09, 2005

Ash Sunday

Time to be doing what I'm suppose to be doing. I really, really liked the Ash Sunday film we watched. At first, I didn't see the spiritual content of it. I did recognize though about the girl trying to break out of the box and that she couldn't do it alone. That's so true of our salvation too, isn't it? We can't save ourselves, or others for that matter, but only through the power of the Holy Spirit and the forgiveness of Jesus Christ do we break out of the worldly box we are put in. I also appreciated the ending, where the girl outside the box (now consumed by the Holy Spirit) saw someone else trapped inside of a box of their own and went to share with them. That's what we're called to do - to share our love and hope in Christ with others. Overall, I thought it was a very beautiful film.


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