Tuesday, August 30, 2005


The stage shots above are from a show called !Hero the Rock Opera. The show is kind of a rock-broadway version of the gospel. It's totally awesome - you should definitely check it out if you haven't seen it. The cow is my beloved Mr. Moo-Moo. Yes, I draw cartoon cows. If you'd like to see more, check out my link to my new blog - totally devoted to my cows.


Blogger Evelina W. said...

I love the cow! It's definitely cute! And the rock concert pictures are pretty cool too. I'll be waiting to see some more cool pictures from you.

2:22 PM  
Blogger Breadwig said...

Mr. Moo Moo rocks! You should post more of your cartoons. I want to see a new one every day! Every week at least? For awhile I was trying to do a new cartoon a day. It's actually an excellent exercise.

You can check out bunch of my cartoons if you go to http://www.breadwig.com and go to the "gallery section" You'll see why I like Mr. Moo so much.

Anyway, post more cartoons!

Bryan (the other DMA prof. guy)

4:05 PM  

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