Monday, September 19, 2005


So, about that space thing we were talking about. I knew before about flat space and deep space, but I gotta admit limited and ambiguous space are a little new to me. They make sense though. Some of those photos Leeper showed us were kind of tricky. Anyway, I thought the discussion of space would give me a good excuse to post some wacky camp photos. The first picture, I believe, is an example of limited space - there are three distinct frontal planes - the front row, the second row, and the back wall. There is overlap though, which prevents it from being flat space. The second photo (the mud one) is an example of deep space - there is overlapping, size difference, and aerial/textural diffusion.
Now for what's going on in the pics, in case you were curious. I work at a Girl Scout Camp during the summer and we do all kinds of wacky stuff. The first picture is of all of the "pieces" to our life-size Clue game. We tape off the floor in the main building as the gameboard and six of the counselors get to dress up as the characters or game pieces. Campers are then split into teams and take turns moving their character around the board trying to solve the mystery. I was thrilled that I got to play Mr. (or in this case Miss) Green this year. The second photo is of mud wrestling. That's right, we mud wrestle. I'm realatively clean in this shot because we had just started and Ana (the other counselor in the photo) was new at this whole thing and a lot smaller than me - hence, I won in about 2 minutes. You should see what I look like at the end of losing a match! Anyway, those are some examples of space for ya - feel free to ask me about camp too - I'll always bend your ear with a tale or two, or three, or . . . !


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