Monday, December 05, 2005

Christian Video Games

I can'’t believe that Left Behind game trailer we watched the other day. It seems to me that Christian companies are having trouble getting into the gaming industry. I mean really, it'’s ok to shoot people in this game because they're damned anyway? I understand the need of an enemy for the hero, but please! I think the Christian companies' problem is that they can'’t figure out how to have a message in the game without completely hitting the gamer upside the head with it. The problem is that in trying so hard to make a game out of a specific message is that it construed. That C.S. Lewis article on 3 ways of writing applies here too. If you'’re trying to make a genre or type of media FIT AROUND an idea it'’s never going to be as good as if that particular genre or medium was just the BEST WAY to portray your message.


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