Tuesday, November 01, 2005


So last Thursday, we watched this film called "A Feather Tale." In a nut shell, the story starts with a woman crying who then receives a phone call from a man who seemingly orders a chicken. The woman boxes herself up (as a chicken) and is sent to the man's house. The man pulls the chicken out of the box, plays with it, plucks it, and then bites it. The next scene we see is of the woman lying in bed with someone next to her. She gets up and goes to another room and just sits there, completely naked and vulnerable; dignity lost. It was a very powerful story about abuse and rape. We talked a little in class about how animation can deal with some things DV Cinema can't - I think this is one of them. There's so much junk involving sex and abuse in our media I really think we've become desensitized to it. It's no big deal to turn on the TV or watch a movie and see this stuff. But movies and TV never show you the vulnerable and hurt side of the story. This film really expressed the loneliness and the complete loss of dignity of the woman. Sexual violence is a very real thing in our society, but most people have gotten to the point where it gets swept under the rug. This film took a very hard look at the real story.


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