Wednesday, October 05, 2005


"The Man Who Planted Trees" was an absolutely beautiful film. Leeper wasn't kidding when he said it was like a Renoir painting in motion. The color was fabulous. The sepia tones for the dry desert, the lush greens, blues and yellows in the trees, and the reds for the violent village. In case you haven't seen this wonderful film, it's about a shepherd who single-handedly plants thousands of trees; thus turning a dry, lonely desert, into something lush and beautiful. The beauty of the trees brings everyone together. At one point in the movie, the narrator ponders the fact that perhaps one man can do the work of God. I think this story is a lot about being the salt and the light to the world. We are to show Christ's love in all that we do and are, and this carries out God's work on earth. The shepherd never asked for fame or wealth or friends, but continued to plant trees in order to make his small part of the world better. In a way, his planting the trees became his way of communing with God. The forest he planted became a symbol of peace and beauty to all the rest of the world, much like how we as Christians are suppose to reflect the love and hope of Christ in all that we do.


Blogger Sleeper said...

This a film that I've been wanting to show to people who would really appreciate it. I have to say I am delighted by how most of you have responded to it. There is so much here for Christians to be thinking about and responding to.

8:47 PM  

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